Renting of ASC International Optimists                                    Posted June 201

To help the development of Albert Sailing Club juniors, the club has acquired three International Optimists for use as club training boats. We want to encourage junior club members to progress from sailing plastic Ozi Opti boats or other junior class boats to an International Optimist as part of their development in sailing. The priority is for boat use and rental for graduates from club Learn to Sail and junior green fleet programs.

The main use of the club boats will be for sailing on Saturday afternoons or in weekend training program sessions on Saturday or Sunday.

There are two options available subject to boat availability:

1. Ad hoc rental of a boat for a half day session at $15 per boat for an International Optimist. (Other club boats are $20 per half day for senior or family boats, and $10 per boat for plastic Ozi Opti). The club duty Officer of the Day or a club Sailing Instructor will need to approve the boat hire and be satisfied that you can competently handle the boat in the weather conditions on the day. You will need to fill in the appropriate form with some personal details and if approved pay the fee. (A club flag officer may approve in the absence of the Officer of the Day or an ASC instructor)

The fee may be waived for a period for new members who have just completed a club Learn to Sail training program or in their first month of membership.

2. You can apply to rent an International Optimist for a number of weeks for use in a specified training program or set of club races. This needs to be approved by the ASC Training Centre Principal or one of the Training Centre Instructors, and is subject to availability and an assessment of capability to handle the boat. If you hire a boat for a specified period you may only sail it on the specified sailing days and in accordance with the Rental Agreement.

The rental is only for the specified program or set of club races. Use for any other purpose will be subject to availability and approval by the Training Centre Principal or training centre instructors.

A boat rented may be substituted should the Training Centre Principal determine. If you do not want such substitution, you may end this agreement.[JW1] 

There is a Rental Agreement application form to be completed and approved. The rental fee is $15 x number of half day or part day sessions involved.

The Rental Application form is in Downloads section. . .

The current Club Boat availability sheet will be published here when bookings active.



There may be a possibility of some adhoc 'Try an Opti' use of an International Optimist on a Saturday morning, on approval by a Training Centre instructor.

* Life jackets and covered footwear must be worn for all ASC sailing. Club life jackets are available, but use of your own is encouraged, particularly after a few sails.


Enquiries: speak to ASC instructors Don McKenzie or Rod Thomas or send an email to

 [JW1]Is this okay?